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Android Datarouter Logcat Error Message

So I get my logcat spammed by this datarouter error. Anyone who can help me to fix this issue and tell me why it happens? Oh I've tryed restarting phone and eclipse. Edit: It seem

Solution 1:

This is not a normal Error, in fact it is not an error at all. It is the (stupid?) way that the Android RIL (especially on Samsung devices) is presenting its debug logs. The "DataRouter" that you see, used to be classified as "Debug" and with the tag "AT" in older/other phones/modems. This is indeed very confusing to developers, unaware of these changes. Most likely because Samsung uses their own protocols to communicate with Baseband modem and not the standard AT set, which is interpreted somewhere along the way...

A good reference is the XDA thread: "How to talk to the Modem with AT commands"

Solution 2:

You can use filters to ignore it. Use this regex (in eclipse):


or this in command line:

adb logcat DataRouter:S

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