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Using A Dll With C Interface In Java (for Android)

I was looking into writing an app for Android platform that would (hopefully) use a DLL with a C interface. The only way to grab information from the server is through this API.

Solution 1:

I was looking into writing an app for Android platform that would (hopefully) use a DLL with a C interface.

"DLL" is a Windows term. You cannot use a Windows DLL on Android. You will need C code that can work on Linux, as Android is a Linux-based operating system.

The only way to grab information from the server is through this API. Is this even possible?

Is it possible to create a C library for use on Android? Yes. See the Native Development Kit (NDK).

Is it possible to create a server that can only be accessed by some C library? Probably not without a lot of work, if that server is accessible from the Internet. Anybody can try hitting that server, or can reverse-engineer your library, or can perform packet inspection on your library-to-server communications.

Solution 2:

Did you try Mono?

Disclaimer: I have used in on Linux and (it works) but not on android.

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