How To Paint On Image And Save That Image In To Android?
I am new to canvas. I want to use the My already saved Image and want some paint on that image. after that i want to save it. I know that with using Canvas it is possible. I can ab
Solution 1:
Your problem is your drawing over and over on your entire canvas:
finalCanvasc=newCanvas (mBitmap); // creates a new canvas with your image is painted background
c.drawColor(0, PorterDuff.Mode.CLEAR); // this makes your whole Canvas transparent
canvas.drawColor(Color.WHITE); // this makes it all white on another canvas
canvas.drawBitmap (mBitmap, 0, 0,null); // this draws your bitmap on another canvas
Use logic roughly like this:
@Overridepublicvoidrun() {
/* Paint your things here, example: c.drawLine()... Beware c.drawColor will fill your canvas, so your bitmap will be cleared!!!*/
/* Now mBitmap will have both the original image & your painting */Stringpath= Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().toString(); // this is the sd cardOutputStreamfOut=null;
Filefile=newFile(path, "MyImage.jpg");
fOut = newFileOutputStream(file);
mBitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 100, fOut);
Also don't forget to add necessary permission to save your file:
<uses-permissionandroid:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
outside <application></application>
in your manifest file.
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