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Getresources() From Static Method, Without Context

I'm working on a SQLiteOpenHelper from which I'll read databases via static methods (since the databases are shared anyway). Is it possible to get the application context to someth

Solution 1:

I see three possible solutions to your problem:

  1. Create your own subclass of Application and set that as your application class in the manifest file. In your subclass you could have a static getInstance() method that would provide you with the application context (and thus Resources) from anywhere within your application. Example:

    publicclassBaseApplicationextendsApplication {
        privatestatic BaseApplication instance;
        publicBaseApplication() {
            instance = this;
        publicstatic BaseApplication getInstance() {
            return instance;

    And in AndroidManifest.xml:

  2. Pass a context to any calls you make in your SQLiteOpenHelper

  3. Inject the Resources instance using dependency injection

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