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Persisting A Parcelable Object In Android

I have a class in my Android app that I've made Parcelable so that it can be passed between Activities. I would like to be able to save this object to the filesystem. It seems that

Solution 1:


Parcel is not a general-purpose serialization mechanism. This class (and the corresponding Parcelable API for placing arbitrary objects into a Parcel) is designed as a high-performance IPC transport. As such, it is not appropriate to place any Parcel data in to persistent storage: changes in the underlying implementation of any of the data in the Parcel can render older data unreadable.

Solution 2:

For this problem, I did the following:

  1. Implemented Serializable in my object
  2. Added a toJSON() method to convert the object to a JSON object
  3. Used a custom JSONSerializer to write the JSON objects to a file
  4. Added a constructor that takes a JSON object as a parameter, used by the custom JSONSerializer

It ended up being pretty simple...I can paste some sample code if needed.

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