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Barseries Linewidth Ignored On Shinobi

I'm trying to set the width of the bars of a BarSeries with Shinobi. Code's following: DataAdapter da1 = new SimpleDataAdapter();

Solution 1:

When you refer to width of a bar series, I am going to assume you mean the height, i.e. measuring from the top to the bottom of the bar. I'd like to mention that the setLineWidth() method is not intended for this purpose, but in fact this method is used to style the line which is drawn around the edge of a bar (or column) to act as a border. As the value passed to this method is increased, the bars (or columns) remain the same size, but the line grows inward. Subsequently, a large number will give the appearance of no line, as the bar or column will have a line so thick that it fills the entire bar (or column).

If you wish to manipulate the height of the bars (or the width of the columns) you need to use the methods:


I hope that you find this information useful. Thanks and kind regards,



Hello Stephen,

Thanks for the extra information.

So today I created a quick app, using your code to populate a Shinobi chart with data.

I did see the thin bars issue which you describe. I believe in order to correct this you also need to call the method Axis.setInterSeriesSetPadding(float).

Although when you use a single series in your chart it is not obvious, this method does affect the spacing between individual bars. By default there is a small spacing between bars if this method is not explicitly called.

Please remember also that these two methods expect a float value between 0 (no padding at all) and 1. I suggest you call both of these methods with a parameter of 0.0 and slowly increase the values until you achieve the appearance you wish. You should only need to call these 2 methods on your category axis, not the data axis.

Whilst building my app with your code I did notice that you use a bar series, but you have your category axis on the x axis. I found when I built my app it initially only displayed 3 bars as the first category ("q1") was rendered as having a zero data value. This is because categories are internally given an integer index, and so the first category is stored with a 0 index.

The typical way to use a bar series is to have the categories on the y axis and the data values on the x axis. I modified my app to use this configuration and I found all 4 bars showed correctly. Furthermore I was able to have a padding ranging from nothing, where the bars were butted up against each other, to a lot of padding where the bars appear thin.

I hope that this helps,


Kai. Disclaimer: I work for ShinobiControls.

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