Parse Relational Data Queries
Solution 1:
The way to model many-to-many relations in parse is with the relation column type. This is the best choice to describe how a user has many friends who are users. If this is a social-network-like app, another good bit of advice is to create a class -- distinct from the parse User -- that describes users' public personae.
This is so you can have the parse User class remain as the private, customer relationship between your app and a real person (there are built in security constraints here). This other table, say we call it Persona, can have a pointer-typed column to its user, keep such things as nickname, profile image, etc. and also keep your boolean status.
class - default stuff that comes standard with parse, plus anything pertaining to the customer relationship with your app.
- pointer to _User table, boolean status, other public info, relation called "friends" relating this to other Persona.
So, given a logged in user and his/her currently selected persona (your choice whether users may have more than one personae), you can get friends' personae as follows (in pseudo code):
friendsRelation <- myPersona.friends
friendsQuery <- friendsRelation.query // query is a method on relation
run friendsQuery asynch, then the result will be allFriendsPersonae
for each persona in allFriendsPersonae
status <- persona.status
If you choose not to take the persona class advice, the "code" above is the same, just replace persona with user.
Edit - in response to question edit: 1) Link a persona the user by setting the persona's user column (pointer type) to the user object. To get that persona later, when you only have a user, query the persona table where "user" column equals user.
2) Relation implements an add() method. If you have a personaA, and want to add personaB as a friend, you getRelation("friends")
on personaA, and send it add(personaB)
3) The query you get from a relation is a query only for members of that relation. So if personaA has two friends personaB and personaC, you'll get only B and C when you run personaA's friends query.
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